Friday, July 9, 2010

No Time You Say? MAKE TIME

Seize the Day!

We all come up with excuses and we have a million of them. I'm too tired, I have to wash my hair, it's too hard, gotta make dinner. We have all used em and heard em. Well it’s time to stop making excuses and get up and move. As I mentioned in my previous blog, you can make the change. But only when you are ready, will you know.

As most people are on a calendar, schedule, etc… why not make an appointment to workout? If you write it in your schedule you will make it happen. You wouldn’t miss a hair cut or hair color for that matter would you?!?

The best way to do this is find that time of day which works best for your energy. Personally, I’m a morning person. If I don’t workout in the morning I find it harder to get motivated to workout in the afternoon or evening, but I do it anyway. Out of the 24 hours in your day, isn’t there one hour you can find to move your body? Say it isn’t true!!!! You can find the time if you are ready to commit to getting healthy.

Some other ways to make the time is find a workout buddy, a neighbor, friend or hiring a personal trainer. Having someone with you while you work out is very motivating and inspiring. It also makes the workout go that much faster. If it’s a cardio or toning class you like to take at your local gym then put that class in your schedule every week.

You can make the time and before you know it, you will celebrate that hour you took taking care of yourself.

~ Open your heart and mind to new possibilities and you can have a memorable and pleasurable experience ~

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