Friday, July 9, 2010

Stuck in a Rut?

'Stuck in a rut and can’t dig your self out’?

Scenario: My client came to me today with a challenge, she said to me that she feels stuck in a rut and can’t get out of it. So I asked her a few questions to see where we need to make changes to her program. She works out 3 days a week with me and can’t find the time to do more on her own. As mentioned in my last blog, you have to make commitments for yourself and place them in your calendar.

We changed her cardio program to going to spinning classes (as she input the classes into her schedule) and started her on a circuit weight training session with me at my studio. TBD on her progress.

We all get to this point of our workouts and feel like we keep digging that hole. Here are a few things for you to start doing to get you on that path again. You must look at what you are doing in your workouts and make modifications to them. CHANGE IT UP!!!!! Try a new class or try a circuit weight training (add cardio and weight in the same work out) (10 minutes cardio and 10 minutes of weights and do 3 sets of each in that same session). If you are stuck in a rut in the gym, then go outside for workouts. Run stairs, hike, bike, swim, etc…. Whatever it is you like to do outside, go out and DO IT!!!!!!

"The most important thing to do if you find yourself in a hole is to stop digging."

~Warren Buffett~

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